Thursday, September 6, 2007

Historical Oral Presentation Selection

In an effort to eliminate redundant presentations, each student must select three individuals who they are interested in researching.

I will selection one of your three individuals on a first come, first served basis. However, in order for your selection to valid, you must post your selection with the following information:

Historical Figure:
Years of Life:
Historical Accomplishment:

Each choice is worth 3 points, your entire entry is worth 9 points.

To post your assignment, simply double click on the word 'comment' at the bottom of this posting. Then type your response in the comment box. Choose your identity as "other", and record your name by typing in only your fist name with a last letter initial (Jonny J.). Then click 'publish your comment.'


Anonymous said...

1st Choice
Historical Figure: Sir Isaac Newton
Years of Life: 1643-1727
Historical Accomplishment: Formulated laws of universal gravitation and motion—laws that explain how.

2nd Choice...

3rd Choice...

3 points per choice, 9 total points possible

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Homer; inspired readers for 3,000 years

Ramses 2; crowned pharoh, is famous for a temple he built in Abu Simbel

Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa

Anonymous said...

Please make sure that your post is broken down into three separate selections.

Each section must include the NAME, YEARS, ACCOMPLISHMENT,

Anonymous said...

1st Empress Theodora
she lived from A.D.500-548
acomplishment=she became a famous actress!

2nd ruth and naiomi
years lived N/A (none acsessable)
they obeyed there grandfathers last name and she became queen.

3rd Muraski shikibu
she had a famous celibration for a
newborn prince

Anonymous said...

1ST choice
historical figue:Empress Theodora
year of life:a.d 500-548
historical accompichment:
theodora was an empress.

2ND choice
historical figue: Elizabeth 1
year of life: 1533-1603
historical accompishment:she was in control of the government.

3RD choice
historical figure: Queen Nzinga
years of life:1533-1603
historical accompilishment:she was known for her military ledership and political skills.

Anonymous said...

Historical figure Otizi the icemam.years of like unkown but he died 5,300 year ago and was discoverd in 1991.Historical.Otizi hada cloak made of grass,and a fur hat with stuffed shoes of also grass. 2nd choice.Historical figure Ramses the 2nd.year of life 1279-1213 b.c.Historical accomplishments he built the famous temple abu simble. 3rd choice.Historical figure sir Isacc Newton.Years of life 1643-1727.Historical accomplishments.formulated laws of universal gravitation and motion-laws that explain how.

Anonymous said...

1st choice
Historical Figure: Queen nzinga
Years of Life: 1582-1663
Historical accomplishment: she was known for her military leadership and political.

2nd choice
Hstorical Figure: Elisabith 1st
Years of Life:1533-1603
historical accomplishment: she was in control of the government.

3rd choice
Hstorical Figure:Empriss Theadora
Years of Life:500-548
Historical accomplishment:she advancedon laws and political

Anonymous said...

Ramses The Second:
years of life:1279-12133b.c.
historical Accomplishments: King Ramses The Second built the famous temple at abu simbel.

Jesus of Nazarath:
life span:6b.c.-30a.d.
historical Accomplishment:He gave a blind man sight.

John Lock:
life span: 1635-1704
historical accomplishment: He published a book called "An Essay Concernig Human Understanding.

Anonymous said...

Homer born, c. 750 B.C. inspired readers for 3,000 years

Ramses 2 reigned 1279-1213, date of birth unknown. crowned pharoh, is famous for a temple he built in Abu Simbel.

Leonardo Da Vinci painted the mona lisa, lived, 1452-1519

Anonymous said...

1st choice
Elizabeth 1
supported arts which developed new American literature and music.She was also an English queen.
2nd choice
Catherine De' Medici
She sponsored dance theaters, added to the royal library and supported arts. She was also a French Queen
3rd choice
Leonardo Da Vinci
Italian artist and scientist

Anonymous said...

1 Choice

Historical Figure: Elizabeth 1
Year of life:1558-1603
Historic Accomplishment: She was in control of the government.

2 Choice

Historical Figure: Queen Nzinga
Year of life: 1582-1663
Historical Accomplishment: She was know for her military leadershipe and political skills.

3 Choice
Historical Figure: Epress Theodora
Year of life: A.D. 500-548
Historical Accomlishment: Theodora began life in the lower class of Byzantine society but rose.

Anonymous said...

1. sir Isaac Newton.
He lived from 1642 to 1727. Sir Isaac Newton accomplished the formulated laws of universal gravtion and motion-laws that explin how.

2. Emperor Asoka
Reigned 273-232 B.C.
He regularly visted his Kindom and foun better ways to improve their lives.

3. Hatsltepsut.
Reigned in 1473-1458.
She was the daughter of King Thutmose 1st and Queen Aahmes.

Anonymous said...

1st choice:Homer.
Years of life:c.750 b.c.
Historical Accomplishment:Blind poet.

2nd choice:Otzi the Iceman.
Years of life:c.3300 b.c.
Historical accomplishment:He was a hunter.

3rd choice:john locke.
Date of birth:1632-1704.
He was a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

1st Choice
1.The Buddha
2.c.563-483 B.C.
3.The Buddha began traveling around the world to tell everyone about his discoveries.

2nd Choice
1.Emporor Asoka
3.He vowed to releive suffering.

3rd Choice
1.Paul Of Tarsus
2.c.A.D. 10-65
3.He showed how people should work to help everyone.

Anonymous said...

1st choice
Historical figure: queen Nzinga
Years of life: 1582-1663
historical accomplishment: In 1623 Nzinga became Queen. She
declared all her territory and promised that all ensalverd Africans who made it to the kingdom would be free.

2nd choice
historical figure: Elizabeth1
years of life: 1533-1603
historical accomplishment:

Anonymous said...

1st choice
1.Genghis Khan
2.A.D 1167-1227
3.He killed many people but his wars eventually brought peace and prosperity to most of Asia.

2nd choice
1.The Buddha
3.He traveled to teach others about his discoveries and about the nature of life and suffering.

3rd choice
1.leonardo Da Vinci
3.Leonardo made some of the worlds best masterpieces.

Anonymous said...

1st choice
1.Genghis Khan
2.A.D 1167-1227
3.He killed many people but his wars eventually brought peace and prosperity to most of Asia.

2nd choice
1.The Buddha
3.He traveled to teach others about his discoveries and about the nature of life and suffering.

3rd choice
1.leonardo Da Vinci
3.Leonardo made some of the worlds best masterpieces.

Anonymous said...

1st choice
Historical Figure: Sir Isaac Newton
Years of life:1643-1727
Historical Accomplishment:Formulated
laws of universal gravitation and motion-laws that explain how.

2nd choice: john lock

3rd choice:Martin Luther

Anonymous said...

1st: constantine the great. historty figure: constanie the great conquered many country.

2nd: Ramases 2 he was famous for buildinng temples and for being pharoh.

Anonymous said...

1st choice
Reigned from c.1000-970 b.c.
He led a group of outlaws, including himself, out of the city and protected them from raiders and returned possessions that had been stolen.

2nd choice
Elizabeth I

Anonymous said...

historical figure: muhammed
years of life: 570-632 a.d.
historical accomplishment: muhammed traveled by camel on trading journeys to syria.

historical figure: otzi the iceman
years of life: born 3300 b.c. died unknown.
historical accompishment: he was on of the first hunters and gathirers.

historical figure: ramses the second
years of life:1279-1213 b.c.
historical accomplish ment ramses continued inhis fathers foo steps by trying to restore egyption power in asia

Bonnie said...

1st choice
historical figure: Charlemagne
Years of life: A.D. 742-814
Historical Accomplishment: He thought that education was important and arranged for his people to be taught.
2nd choice
historical figure: King David
reigned c. 1000-970 B.C.
Historical Accomplishment: He killed Goliath with a slingshot and a stone.
3rd choice
Historical Figure: Sir Isaac Newton
years of life: 1642-1727
Historical Accomplishment: He created calculus and developed his theory of gravity, and discovered that white light is made up of all the colors of light.

Anonymous said...

1st Choice
Historical Figure: Queen Nzinga
Years of life: 1582-1663
Historical Accomplishment: In 1623 Nzinga became Queen. She declared all of her territory and promised that all enslaved Africanswho made it to the kingdom would be free.

2nd Choice
Historical Figure: Elizabeth I
Years of life: 1533-1603
Historical Accomplishment: Elizabeth never married, which was unusual at the time.

3rd Choice
Historical Figure: Catherine De'Mediei
Years of life: 1519-1589
Historical Accomplishment: Some blame her entirely for the French Religions wars.

Anonymous said...

hi everone

Anonymous said...

Your the coolist teacher and you make Social Studies funner than it is all ridy. Social Studies is my favorate class.

Anonymous said...

what can we do for extra credit again?

Anonymous said...
