Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Ch. 1 Review - Extra Credit

Using Technology
    Use the Internet to locate a university archeology department. Use the information on the site to create a summary that describes current research. Include location or archaeological sites and relevant discoveries.
    Post your response as a comment to your classroom assignment blog. Be sure to include the university's name and website address.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Historical Oral Presentation Selection

In an effort to eliminate redundant presentations, each student must select three individuals who they are interested in researching.

I will selection one of your three individuals on a first come, first served basis. However, in order for your selection to valid, you must post your selection with the following information:

Historical Figure:
Years of Life:
Historical Accomplishment:

Each choice is worth 3 points, your entire entry is worth 9 points.

To post your assignment, simply double click on the word 'comment' at the bottom of this posting. Then type your response in the comment box. Choose your identity as "other", and record your name by typing in only your fist name with a last letter initial (Jonny J.). Then click 'publish your comment.'